How to care for sensitive skin

If you have a complexion that suffers from redness, rosacea, rashes... you’ve almost certainly got sensitive skin. If you’re wondering “how can I take care of it”? Below we’re going to give you some tips that can help you experience a positive change, although it’s always advisable to talk to a specialist doctor who can give you a diagnosis and appropriate treatment to improve the appearance of your skin.

What does having sensitive skin mean?

Skin sensitivity is a skin condition. The skin can become sensitive for many reasons, such as allergies, extremely hot or cold temperatures, excessive exfoliation which damages the skin barrier, injuries, a dry climate, and conditions such as eczema and rosacea. What’s more, dry skin tends to present disproportionate dryness. This entails a high risk of the appearance of bumps, blackheads, skin abrasion, burning and redness.

Skin sensitivity shows up in the form of different symptoms depending on the person suffering from this condition. The most common are: redness, burning, itching and peeling. These symptoms tend to appear as a reaction to sunlight, to the chemical products found in many cosmetics, to makeup and to dehydration.

Tips for taking care of your sensitive skin

Those who suffer from sensitive skin know how difficult it is to feel comfortable when you’re going through a bout of irritation. Skin that’s constantly stressed is a cause of frustration. However, there are various simple measures and indicated products that can help you to improve this condition.

The first tip is to choose appropriate products for dry and sensitive skin, such as hydrating creams, soaps, cleansers...

Gentle cleansing

How to clean sensitive skin Products for cleansing the skin generally tend to contain ingredients that have an aggressive effect on the most sensitive skin types. In this case, it’s advisable to choose a gentle face cleanser and perform the cleansing delicately. Select products that contain natural ingredients and no chemicals. Clean your face every morning and before going to bed. And don’t forget to use hydrating serums afterwards to soothe the skin.

On the other hand, as we commented previously, this type of skin can also exhibit pimples. To clean sensitive skin that’s prone to acne, we can’t treat it just like any other type of skin that presents this issue. We need to avoid products that contain chemical substances such as parabens or any other aggressive ingredients. These could cause a reaction. You should also avoid products with artificial perfumes. There are various cleansers made with ingredients such as aloe vera that cleanse skin thoroughly while also soothing the dermis.

Our recommendation is to opt for cleansers with ingredients such as milk, coconut, olive oil or aloe vera. These are very gentle and pleasant to apply. And they thoroughly remove not only makeup, but also other dirt left on the face.

Our last tip when it comes to washing your sensitive face is to stay away from hot water. This is one of the things that causes the breakdown of the lipid barrier, and therefore increases reactions of redness and stinging.

Tips for caring for your sensitive skin

Avoid aggressive exfoliation

Exfoliation is an essential part of any skincare routine. It is recommended for eliminating dead cells, cleaning the obstructed pores and thus achieving a more radiant, smooth complexion. But for those who have sensitive skin, it can be difficult to find suitable products and methods that don’t damage the skin.

So, if you are dealing with this problem of sensitivity, you can exfoliate – of course! – but avoid using chemical products or aggressive techniques. The recommendation is to do so gently and only once or twice per week. Given that sensitive skin can redden, become irritated and dry out very easily, look for a product that contains hydrating, natural ingredients. Gel exfoliants are a perfect option in this case.

On the other hand, don’t scrub the skin or use a cleansing brush, since both of these exfoliation methods can be too harsh for your sensitive skin.


The hydration of your face is fundamental. Seeing as sensitive skin tends to be associated with dryness, it’s essential to hydrate it regularly. Accordingly, this is a crucial step in every facial skincare routine. In addition to helping your skin to feel good, hydrating creams can also improve the texture, reduce irritation caused by dryness and sensitivity and protect the natural dermatological barrier.

We recommend that you select a hydrating cream for delicate skin that has a formula specifically designed for sensitive skin and contains no chemical ingredients. Use it both morning and night and you’ll see a noticeable difference.  It’s worth noting that if we want to improve the appearance of the skin, patience and consistency are required.

Don’t forget to use sunscreen

We should always use sunscreen when we go outdoors. Even if the sun isn’t shining — because the atmosphere still contains the ultraviolet rays that can damage the skin.

Regardless of our skin type, it’s important not to leave the house without first having applied sunscreen to the face. But for sensitive skin in particular, this step is of crucial importance. This is because the sun’s rays are another of the factors that activate the sensitive reaction of the skin.

To this end, the first step is choosing a sunscreen for sensitive skin. The problem here is that you’ve surely encountered difficulties in finding sunscreens that don’t contain chemicals. Nonetheless, there are sunscreens available on the market that feature natural hydrating ingredients and a minimum SPF of 30.

Take care of your sensitive skin

Use products of premium quality

Now that we’ve cleared up some of your doubts about sensitive skin and how to care for it, you should keep in mind that choosing natural products with gentle ingredients can help you when it comes to taking care of the skin of your face. 

One of these ingredients is aloe vera. The gel from aloe vera helps keep skin hydrated no matter the time of year. It can be applied topically to provide the necessary hydration, so if you have sensitive skin, you should know that the nutrients and vitamins in aloe vera will help soothe it. This is why we recommend using products that contain a considerable amount of aloe in their composition for your facial care. You’ll see the difference if you are consistent. 

At Finca Canarias, we have a wide range of aloe vera products for skincare, which are both effective and respectful on your skin.  Having said that, please remember that, as we mentioned at the start, it’s necessary to visit a dermatologist to determine what skin type we have and what problems this entails, as they are specialised doctors and are able to diagnose and advise us as far as possible products or treatments go.

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